Friday, July 15, 2005

Pixies Track 15

For Immediate Release: The Official Favorite Pixies Album of Force Power Paintball and Other Diversions will be decided via ballots sent in for the competition described (sort of) in the following text.

Folks: the deadline is 11:59pm Wednesday, July 27th. This isn't a deadline deadline... all I'm saying is that any ballots in before then will certainly be counted. Any after that might or, in fact, might not be. Counted.

After the initial post about the Pixies Album Competition and an Update there have been fourteen other posts much like this one but with different texts: Pixies Track 1, Pixies Track 2, Pixies Track 3, Pixies Track 4, Pixies Track 5, Pixies Track 6, Pixies Track 7, Pixies Track 8, Pixies Track 9, Pixies Track 10, Pixies Track 11, Pixies Track 12, Pixies Track 13 and Pixies Track 14. These posts include slightly contradictory instructions written in my effortlessly bad grammar. Currently we're down to the last two songs as Surfer Rosa and Bossanova failed to show up. Come On Pilgrim checked out long, long ago. The single Bam Thwok... ha ha ha ha. I crack myself up.

Doolittle - Gouge Away
Trompe Le Monde - The Navajo Know

Will this be unanimous? I feel like it should, in fact, not be... but that's just my contrarian nature, right? I'd like to hear someone justify their off vote here... but I don't expect it. Nothing against Gouge Away, but....

Rankings may be left in the comments widget or, for more secrecy - though I'll still consider posting your commentary unless you tell me not to - or whatever you may email them to me at mountmccabe at gmail dot com with Pixies in the subject field.

NOTE: No, I didn't actually make it before midnight. Enjoy anyway.


At 1:52 PM, Blogger mountmccabe said...

I'm gonna offer my own rankings:

1. Gouge Away
2. The Navajo Know


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